Porcelain veneers improve your smile.
What is a Veneer?
A dental veneer is a tooth shaped restoration that covers the front visible part of the tooth. It is made of porcelain, a highly aesthetic tooth-colored ceramic material which restores discolored, chipped, or misshapen teeth.
What to Expect
Under local anesthesia, your teeth are prepared and scanned. Scans are then sent to the lab. Temporary veneers will be placed until the actual veneers are received. Once received, your veneers are bonded to your teeth. The procedure usually takes two or three visits.
Chipped Tooth Prepared
Veneer Bonded to Tooth
Post-Veneer Care Instructions
For the longevity of the veneers it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly and returning for in-office cleanings. For patients that grind their teeth, a night guard is recommended to protect the veneers.
Caring for Your Veneers
Why Give Dental for My Veneers?
This patient was unhappy with her smile. She felt that her upper front teeth were small and yellow. And they were chipped. She wanted a whiter, natural smile.
Before Veneers
After Veneers