Dental extraction removes a non-savable tooth for a healthier well-being.
Why Extraction?
At Give Dental, our goal is to save your teeth. However sometimes teeth are not savable for many reasons. Some of the most common ones include:
Not enough tooth structure left for a filling or crown.
Severe gum disease, bone loss, and/or infection.
Using high resolution x-rays and doctor’s clinical exam, a tooth that is diagnosed to be non-restorable must be extracted as soon as possible to prevent spread of infection. Patients will be given antibiotic and pain medication. A follow up appointment will be given to check for healing.
Post-Extraction Home Care
After an extraction, it is recommended to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating spicy or hot foods. Eat a soft diet that doesn’t require much chewing. Do not use a straw for drinking and avoid spitting. Bite on gauze to stop bleeding.
Replacing Extracted Teeth
Once healing is achieved, there are different options available to replace missing teeth. Most common options include: fixed implants or bridge. Same-day temporary replacements are also available and will be discussed at your visit.